The 30 Hottest Female Athletes To Follow on Twitter

Here are two things I definitely check out on a daily basis: hot chicks and Twitter. Two things I feel like I cannot go without. The beautiful thing about Twitter is it allows fans to interact with these celebrities, even possibly sustain a conversation with them. It might also be the only chance that some of us can converse with these smoking hot ladies.

The odds of us actually meeting someone as beautiful as Melanie Adams, the girl pictured here, in person are about the same chance Lloyd Christmas had with Mary Swanson. Therefore, following them on Twitter is our only option. For this reason, I compiled a list of thirty of the hottest female athletes to follow on Twitter. Keyword: athlete.
There are no sideline reporters, sports anchors, pseudo-athletes on my list. These lovely ladies are all involved in athletic competition. Whether it is soccer, MMA, swimming, or golf, these ladies are 10s on field and off.
The one thing I did realize while compiling this list is that Twitter is still very American. There were a lot of hotties I had to omit because they do not have a Twitter - - Maria Sharapova for example. And that’s a darn shame if you ask me!
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